Wednesday 13 April 2011

Easter egg craft

Each year, school ask  the children  to design and decorate a hard-boiled egg for Easter Egg Competition. Here comes my pranith's easter egg..................

Materials needed:

Hard boiled egg
Googly eyes
black marker
red marker
colours paper

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Yew tree school award

This award she got in Reception class  for reading all the key words at  Yew tree school.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Award from Greswold school

This award given by number one rated greswold school at solihull, this is her new school joined recently.. I pray to god and bless her that she will work for more awards... God bless u my child.

Saturday 5 June 2010

Few paintings of my daughter

These are very special to me, every day after coming from school she will say "mummy i bought a surprise for you, so plz close your eyes and have this".  Then she will ask me to open my eyes and these beautiful paintings are her surprise, Iam very much  glad every day that she brings me something of her own creative art and gift me.  I love you dear.......